白く砕ける波をゆっくり見る。そんな時間を持つことはありますか?波は刻一刻と変化をし続け、2度とない無限の表情を見せてくれます。この豊かな波の姿を、一筋の光として浮かび上がらせ向き合うプロジェクトそれが「NIGHT WAVE」光の波プロジェクトです。
The harmony with the light to the wave changing a moment leads to the dreamy world and keeps memorable for ever.
It will move you away from the daily life and go into ourselves on movement of beautiful wave.
The wave has various of features, depending on the place and time.
We are willing to think newly about the value of the relax time to face each other calmly in nature though luminous wave that is eternal movement.
全国各地の開催希望主催者も募集しております。We are looking for partnership company and organizers who wants to do NIGHT WAVE now.
海岸における景観のピークは日没時の夕景です。その後の夜間イベントとしてはイルミネーションや花火などが挙げられますが、ここに新たな夕方~夜の海岸景観をこのNIGHT WAVEはもたらします。花火やイルミネーションのように派手な演出ではなく、自然を利用しながらもダイナミックで、大人な楽しみ方ができる。飽きることない美しい波の光は、地域の「海」や「波」という自然の資源を活用した、これまでにない上質な「メディアアート」となりました。
Generally, the entertainment on beach is activated by the evening time with sunset. As the event of night beach, we can see fireworks or the lights illumination. However NIGHT WAVE will be something new to people as the night beach event. It is not showy like fireworks or lights illumination, but it also bring deeply mature time with dynamic view in nature. NIGHT WAVE that is insatiable by beautiful light line on night wave will invite and catch people’s hart with creating vivid memory. Therefore it will make a contribution to the commercial field such as food and drink service for beachside in the evening. Moreover it will be new through a big visual impact with film and photograph(media) as it have no production in the world .